Women’s Ministry

The Mission of the ALDERSHOT NTCG WOMEN’S DEPARTMENT is to demonstrate God’s love in our homes, church and community.

How do we as women, demonstrate God’s love?

  • We pray for one another and our community.
  • We share our faith.
  • We help those in need.
  • We spend time together.

1 John 4: 7: Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

The Four Ws of Women’s Ministry



The women’s ministry are a part of NTCG Church of God in Aldershot and our mission is to demonstrate God’s love in our homes, the church and our community.


Often as women we have far more jobs in each day than time. As a result it’s easy to neglect the things that will help us to grow in the way God intended.

At Aldershot NTCG we believe in the importance of women meeting, talking, praying, encouraging and working together within our community and our women’s ministry department provides an opportunity to do just that.

From bowling to bible study, coffee mornings to carol singing we are confident that are no limits to the ways in which God can help us to grow as women and demonstrate His love.


We meet at 8pm on Monday evenings and on the first Wednesday of every month for coffee and a chat from 11am to 12pm.

See below a list of our forthcoming events:

7th September 2015:

How can I be wise?

12th October 2015:

Let’s get creative: Sewing with confidence


Meetings are held at the New Testament Church of God, 83 Victoria Road, Aldershot GU11 1SH

Our doors are open to EVERY woman so feel free to come and join us.

We invite You

Come and Worship With Us!