Children’s Church
Welcome our Children Ministry Kingdom Kidz (KK) our ministry is for children age 4-11yrs. The sessions run every second and fourth Sundays in the month.
Children are a blessings from the Lord, and with these blessings comes responsibilities. As stewards of God’s children; churches as well as parents have a responsibility for helping children grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Our objective is to provide an environment in which children are safe, are taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. So that they can share God’s love everywhere they go as ambassadors’ for Christ through evangelism.
Our ministry provides a fun loving environment that caters to the intellectual, physical, and spiritual needs of our children.
We encourage our children to believe that “they can do all things through Christ is their strength” (Ephesians 4 vs.13). We do this through our lessons by finding stories in the bible that highlights strength and God’s love for us. We also give children the opportunity to let their light shine for Christ by, praise and worshipping, praying, nativity plays, dance ministry, choir and all also taking part in various events held in church. We also have our own children’s day where the children leads the entire service with the assistance of our dedication KK team workers. This helps to build their character, self esteem and confidence. We also plans trips, day outings, fun activities, games, art and crafts and many more…
To safe guard our children’s welfare; all our team members are DBS checked.
Please bring your children to come and enjoy our fun filled children’s church here at Kingdom Kidz.
Children Church Leader: Shanna Nelson
Contact Email:
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